Homeopathy works by stimulating the body’s own ability to heal itself. This is unlike traditional allopathic drug therapies that work by:
destroying foreign entities (antibacterials, antifungals), blocking body mechanisms (antispasmodics, beta blockers, calcium channel blockers) and
supplementing or replacing physiological substances (hormones, electrolytes, vitamins).
Homeopathy is based on the Law of Similars or “like cures like”. A pharmacologically active substance which will cause or create the symptoms of an illness in a healthy person can actually treat the symptoms of that same illness in a sick person. Instead of prescribing a drug that would oppose the symptoms of illness and suppress them (as with allopathic medicines), homeopathy uses medicinal substances that work with the body, encouraging it to throw off the symptoms by stimulating it to work more effectively (homeostasis). Hahnemann’s research found that this stimulation of the body’s homeostatic mechanism is achieved when the medicinal substance is administered in what we now know as “homeopathically prepared” minute doses.